music: Franz Schubert
text: Wilhelm Müller
production concept and design: GLMMR
stage direction: David Adam Moore & Vita Tzykun
scenic, costume, and projection design: David Adam Moore & Vita Tzykun
projection engineering: Maxwell Bowman
lighting design: Maxwell Bowman
lighting design - Tel Aviv Museum of Art: Adi Shimrony
David Adam Moore
Daniel Gortler - Tel Aviv
Earl Buys - Atlanta, NYC, Kansas
Nicholas Fox - Portland
David Neely - Des Moines
Thomas Jaber - Houston
produced and presented by:
Hungarian State Opera (upcoming)
Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Felicja Blumenthal Festival)
Atlanta Opera
Portland Opera
Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines Metro Opera)
National Sawdust NYC
Anchorage Opera
Old Stone House NYC (Sparks and Wiry Cries)
Hesston College
Houston Community College
video content shooting locations:
Bonneville Salt Flats
Des Moines
White Sands National Monument
video content directors of photography:
David Adam Moore
Vita Tzykun
James Daniel
Karin Wolverton
video content actors:
ChristinaNoel Reaves
Andrew Nolen